The software we designed for the Airside Operations Department has helped Istanbul Airport optimize their operations. This system allows them to better coordinate flights and monitor air/ground traffic. Better planning of operations results in fewer delays and a smoother flight experience.
The software we developed for the Airside Safety and Compliance Department supports them in achieving their safety and compliance requirements. This customized software enables them to optimize their processes for complying with regulations, monitoring safety risks and reporting. Istanbul Airport utilizes this system to achieve the highest standards in safety and compliance.
The specialized software we created for the Safety Management Systems Department makes it easier for them to manage Istanbul Airport's safety procedures. It provides an essential tool for emergency preparedness, incident reporting and managing safety threats. In addition to improving safety, the airport can manage all processes more effectively.
The specialized software we developed for Istanbul Airport's Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting Department has enabled them to provide a fast and coordinated response to emergencies. This system enables them to efficiently manage their firefighting equipment and personnel. Thus, emergencies can be responded to immediately and airport safety is enhanced.
The software we developed for the Support Services Department helps them organize Istanbul Airport's support operations. This system enables them to optimize processes such as personnel allocation, equipment management and resource planning. The airport relies on this software to make their business more efficient and smooth.
The software we developed for the Istanbul Airport's Wildlife Control Department provides a powerful tool to monitor and manage wildlife around the airport. The system provides critical information to monitor wildlife activity, analyze movement patterns and intervene when necessary. As a result, air traffic and safety are protected.